Monday, March 1, 2010

THINGS TO DO: Design A Stuffy

This past weekend the kids began drawing animals and requested a design-a-stuffy day. I love the teamwork involved as we work together to make their ideas three dimensional. I love to bring to life the choices my children make as we muddle through the creation process - colors, shape, fabric texture, leg placement, etc. There are always surprises and unexpected discoveries as to their preferences - if I can listen instead of imposing MY ideas!

Here is Marek's finished stuffy. Please note Marek would not allow me photograph him with it - is he getting too old for public stuffy play? Oscar's will be completed soon. Matilda is still working on circles...

If you are not a sewer, this same project concept could be done with wood, or toilet paper tubes and duck tape, or any other medium that makes it real for you both.

1 comment:

Toward the Positive said...

Hi Christa,
I'm a first grade teacher in Louisville, CO (next door to Lafayette, where our mutual friend Susan Churchill lives). I was lucky enough to be Aloha's student teacher last year. :) Susan sang your blog's praises on her facebook page and I had to check it out. I adore your family's idea of create-a-stuffy and am looking forward to trying it with my class. On Fridays we have Lightbulb Lab (from Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse) and create 3-D and 2-D art from recyleables and various donated art supplies. I'm looking forward to sharing your wonderful ideas with my class!

On another note, I really admire the philosophy that you espouse on your blog. It has been a joy to read your posts and I look forward to coming back to your site periodically to get creative ideas and read and smile.

Jen Gamblin